14 Oct 2017 - tags: docker 

Recover Docker internet connectivity

Today the following happened to me: I had no internet access from inside any Docker container, while internet connectivity of the host computer worked without any problems. I found several posts hinting at a DNS problem, which could be rouled out by directly pinging an ip address:

docker run --rm -it busybox ping -c 3

Restarting docker did not help - not even rebooting the host computer helped. Luckily I found instructions how to recreate the Docker network bridge and reinitalize all the network rules on the Moby github page:

sudo pkill docker
sudo iptables -t nat -F
sudo ifconfig docker0 down
sudo brctl delbr docker0
sudo docker -d

I didn’t have the command brctl on my Ubuntu 16.04 machine, but it could be installed by typing:

sudo apt install bridge-utils